Welcome! As we work to navigate through this difficult and uncertain time, North Bolivar Consolidated School District will continue to invest in the social and emotional well-being of our students and staff and will assist NBCSD parents/guardians in promoting a positive well-being for families. On this site, you will find helpful tips, activities, and links to websites to help guide and support NBCSD families through this challenging time.

Our goal is to support the holistic well-being of our students during the COVID-19 crisis.

Should you desire one-on-one assistance for your child at any time, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's school counselor via e-mail. With your permission, your child's counselor may provide one-on-one support for your child.

If mental health concerns are critical and need urgent attention, please dial 911 or access an external crisis resource through the Emergency Resource link.

Please remember, we are here to help.


Your NBCSD Counselors,








North Bolivar Consolidated schools will create an intentional, nurturing, and caring culture that includes all stakeholders in a comprehensive and integrated approach to develop the holistic child as we collaborate collectively to ensure our students are socially, emotionally, and academically prepared for college, career, and personal success.



NBCSD staff, students, parents and community leaders will work collaboratively to design highly effective learning experiences that are responsive to our students’ needs that promote social, emotional, and academic learning skills for all students.



We believe our families and communities provide the foundation for our students’ social and emotional health.

We believe an ongoing partnership with students, families, schools, and communities are critical components in fostering students’ social-emotional learning and academic growth.

We believe ALL school environments must support the social, emotional, and academics needs of every student by fostering a positive climate where all students feel safe, valued, connected, and empowered.

We believe, through on-going support and training, staff and support staff will continuously model, encourage, and provide time and opportunities in all environments for social-emotional learning to improve the academics growth and development in all students.


What is SEL?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions (casel.org, 2021).

SEL in Schools  

SEL Schools Addressing Stress and Anxiety  

SEL Resources for Students Well-Being  


Social Awareness

Social Responsibility 


SEL Courses for Students



Students’ Emotional Well-being  

SEL Brain Games 

Emotional Intelligence games and apps  

Apps for Social and Emotional Learning 

Social Emotional Apps for Special Needs


SEL Resource for Adults

Adult SEL  - https:/casel.org/adult-sel/

BCBS Holiday Tips - https://www.bcbs.com/coronavirus-updates/stories/healthy-holiday-tips-during-covid-19

SEL Adult Well-Being -   https://ggie.berkeley.edu/my-well-being/sel-for-adults-social-awareness-and-relationship-skills/  

SEL Compassion for Adults - https://ggie.berkeley.edu/my-well-being/self-compassion-for-adults/

Emotional Well-being for Adults - https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/current-events/supporting-your-emotional-well-being-during-the-covid-19-outbreak/


SEL Educators Resources

SEL Practices for Teachers - https://ggie.berkeley.edu/academic-instruction/

Stress Management for Educators - https://ggie.berkeley.edu/collection/stress-management-for-educators/  

Working from Home Tips - https://www.northeastern.edu/graduate/blog/working-from-home-tips/

Student/Teacher Relationships -  https://ggie.berkeley.edu/school-relationships/positive-teacher-student-relationships/ 

Social and Emotional Games for Teachers and Students - https://www.positiveaction.net/blog/sel-activities-games

Mindfulness - https://ggie.berkeley.edu/my-well-being/mindfulness-for-adults/

Nearpod - https://nearpod.com/

CASEL - https://casel.org/resources-learn/

NEWSELA - https://newsela.com/   


Mental Health Services – (24 Hour Telephone Crisis Support)

                Life Help Mobile Crisis – 662-897-0708   

                Region One Mobile Crisis – 662-627-7267

                Mississippi Behavioral Health Crisis - 662-702-5108 (After 5 p.m. Mobile Crisis)


Tips for Parents

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Parent Resources for Parents

Helping Children Cope with a Traumatic Event  

Coping Skills for Kids

Treating COVID – 19 at Home Resource 

Treating COVID 19 at Home Resource (Spanish version)

Talk to your Child about COVID-19 (Spanish version)

Parents and COVID 19: Helping Your Children

Positive Family/Community Relationship

Family Fitness Activities for the Entire Family 




NBCSD Counselors:

Mrs. Rita Smith

SEL Counselor

Emergency Services

911 - Call 911 if you are experiencing an emergency and need help immediately

Quick Links:

SEL Remote Lessons


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